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A Journey into the Life of The Goddess Isis
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
7 Steps for Connecting with the Angels
Mood:  lazy
Topic: Angelic Assistance

Seven Steps For Connecting With Your Angels!

  1. 1. Ask your Angels for help! Whether you realize it or not, you have angels who are always close by ready, and waiting to offer you their assistance. Angels strictly honor your free will, and will not interfere without your permission… want help? Simply ask! There is no specific formula you must follow to connect with angels other than your intention and desire. The more you think, call upon, and learn about angels the more they will begin to make themselves known to you as you open up to their guidance and assistance.
  2. You are worthy of angelic assistance! Regardless of where you are and what you have or haven’t done, your Angels love you unconditionally, regardless of personal history or beliefs. Angels are Spiritual Beings who exist beyond the present time space realty. They are able to be with, and help everyone who calls on them at once! Angels are beings of unconditional love who are always near and ready to assist you with anything!
  3. Connect! Right now, close your eyes, and take a deep relaxing breath. Focusing inward call upon your guardian angels, archangels, and the best possible angels to help you right now. Outline the situation you would like to be helped with, and then be open to how the angelic assistance appears in your life. Angelic assistance is always available, effective, and rarely in the form you expect.
  4. It is from within silence that you are able to clearly hear. Quiet your mind, focus inward and simply be. As thoughts come up, release them to your angels, and return to the still and silent place. It is from within this silence, that you are able to open and clearly hear, see, feel, think, know the presence and guidance of your spirit guides and angels.
  5. Hand everything over to your Angels, including any and all worries, fears, or problems. Ask your Angels to release them into the light and replace them with unconditional love, light and compassion. Release your dreams and intentions over to your angels too and then trust and allow your manifestation to unfold with the help of your angels.
  6. Express gratitude and appreciation. The more you are able to find and express your thanks for things exactly the way they are, the more you will naturally attract reasons to express gratitude and appreciation. See the present moment, as it is, a beautiful and divine creation. Need help with this? Ask your angels to help you find the love that is present in this situation for you.
  7. Trust, Allow and Take Action. Angels always respond, every time you call upon them. Be open to how their help manifests, and allow it into your life. When you do receive that intuitive idea, hunch, or opportunity that feels good, take action and know your angels will be with you every step of the way!

Posted by divagoddess1ny at 1:18 PM EDT
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
What Is Psychic Telepathy?
Topic: Psychic

What is psychic telepathy? Psychic telepathy comes from the Greek word that means being affected by something that is distant. Telepathy is the transfer of information, feelings, thoughts or situations using the sixth sense. It describes a person who is supposed to be able to read the minds of others.

The inventor of the definition of psychic telepathy is Fredric W.H. Myers, who founded the Society for Psychical Research in 1882. However, the actual concept of a mind reader has been around much longer than that. Psychic telepathy is often used for healing and empathy and appears to be one of the talents of all men who have ever lived.

Few of us see psychic telepathy at work in real life, but it is a rampant theme in pop culture. That is how most of us are familiar with the concept of psychic telepathy, which is largely about sensing the thoughts of others. These abilities are considered evil and in the realm of witchcraft when they are used to control the minds of other people or alter events. You often see plots revolving around these ideas in television shows and movies. 

Telepathy is also often seen as the logical extension of the human nervous system in many of these scenarios as well. That is why it is often called the sixth sense.

The fact that so many of us see telepathy in television and movies is why so many of us often ask ourselves "is telepathy real?"  Sometimes, it just seems so irrelevant and a figment of a clever writer's imagination. However, many of us become believers when we experience an episode of psychic intelligence ourselves.

Another branch of telepathy is called telepathy telekinesis where people are able to move objects with their mind. The Amazing Kreskin in as example of a psychic who is able to accomplish this. When people see a real psychic in action, often they want to learn telepathy and there are many books on the subject that are available online.

There is also a new branch of psychic telepathy that exists called transhumanism. These individuals believe that technologically enabled telepathy, coined "telepathy", will be the inevitable future of human intuition. This is all part of the larger study of cybernetics, which is the science of relating the human mind to machine so that the electronic mind because almost a second guessing unit of what is to be.

There are many resources online and many books available about how to learn telepathy. Online telepathy lessons are available as is instruction in psychic telepathy.

You can also get online telepathy readings. There are scores of sites that specialize in that on the Internet. Some of these psychic telepathy readings are available over phone lines and others are available over chat lines. Telepathy telekinesis and telepathy tests can also be used to determine the level of your psychic talent as well.

Posted by divagoddess1ny at 12:00 PM EDT
Thursday, July 22, 2010
How Do Spirit Guides Contact Us?
Topic: Psychic



 Spirit guides do not necessarily whisper in our ears or appear before us. Instead, they are more likely to offer us signs and omens. However, the challenge is to recognize these signs and omens when we see them. This does not mean that you have to be a professional psychic. You need merely be aware that signs from the world of spirit often look like coincidences.

When you ask a spirit guide or angel for guidance, you may not immediately hear an answer. The questions are often heard but the answers (the coincidences or omens) don’t appear for days. You don’t have to wait. Just go about your life and be open to receiving your answer when you are ready. Spirit works in many ways to reach us and they know that if we are not telepathic or clairvoyant that they can get our attention in other ways. So you don’t have to have to be psychic. You won’t be left out of the loop. The spirits will find some way to get their message to you.

The signs, the omens, the guidance is all around us, at all items. All we need do is open ourselves to receiving the messages.

Spirit guides often try to reach us through music. The message may be in the first song you hear on the radio or the song that keeps repeating in your head.

They love to give us messages via contemporary media. An example is when you turn on the television and someone is speaking about the same thing that is on your mind.

Another example is when you overhear a conversation between other people that has meaning to what you are thinking about or questioning in your mind.

You may see or hear something repeatedly. An example is constantly seeing the number "11". You may see "11" on a clock, a label, a license plate. Seeing "11" many times means that something spiritual is happening or about to happen in your life.

You open to a page in a book and the pages fall upon to a paragraph that has meaning to your current situation.

Guides could also be throwing obstacles in our path to prevent you from taking wrong action. Perhaps someone has wronged you and you want to have it out with that person.

However, every time you dial their number the line is busy or out of service. This could be a spirit guide telling you that now is not the appropriate time to talk about the situation.

Signs often come from the animal world. Maybe every time you leave the house, a bluebird flies by or you constantly see two chipmunks chasing each other. Perhaps these signals from nature make you think of a certain someone.

Don't have expectations and don't read into things. Just ask for guidance and allow it to happen. Not everything you see or hear is a sign. But, if you are open and receptive, the signs will appear of their own accord!




Posted by divagoddess1ny at 5:05 PM EDT
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Angel Energies That Bring True Love
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Angelic Assistance


Angel Energies That Bring True Love

 There are some true angelic energies can be summoned to help protect an existing love, bring a new love, or strengthen the love that you already have. Keep in mind too that a true love does not just mean a romantic love. Sometimes real love can manifest in a friendship or a May/December type relationship as well.

Here is a brief look at some of the many angels of love that can be called to bring a love that is true...

Cassiel – This is the angel of solitude who ironically can bring you a new love that is vast improvement over your last relationship. If you are recently divorced or broken up, this is the angel that you ask to bring you a new partner.

Camuel – Camuel, or Chamuel, is the Archangel of Love that deals with all of the heart. This is the angel of compassion, mercy, forgiveness, and understanding. This angel helps you repair damaged relationships. Pray to this angel if you want to bring a new relationship into your life or strengthen existing ones.

Gabriel – This archangel can help bring you a soul mate who is perfectly compatible with you in every way.

Haniel – This angel of Love provides your life with grace and a natural luck that protects you from accidents and brings you exactly what you need at all times.

Harut – This angel helps prevent confusion in your love life and prevents discord and arguments between man and wife.

Jophiel – This angel is a powerful archangel that can help you make a choice, if you find yourself caught in a difficult love triangle.

Muriel – This angel can help bless your wedding and your lives with bliss and many descendents.

Muriel – This angel can help protect you and your loved one from fire and especially recommended as a protective angel for the spouses of firemen.

Raguel – This is an angel of fairness, justice, and harmony. He can help make sure that your mate is absolutely faithful. If you are a woman, he makes sure that your husband will faithfully bring home his pay check to you.

Raphael – This angel of healing corresponds to the heart chakra. He also helps open up your heart so you are more receptive to love. He is responsible for repairing broken spirits after a disappointing love affair. Pray to Raphael if you need to heal a damaged relationship or have trouble forgetting about the past. He also helps resolve conflicts and long term feuds. This angel can also help individuals through difficult rites of passage such as divorce.

Uriel – This is the Angel of Peace and helps resolve problems in your personal relationships. He can help you let go of bitterness and resentments. Appeal to this angel if you need to get smoothly through a divorce or you need to reconcile with a long lost friend. Forgiveness is what this angel is all about. He can help you empty your heart of the past so you can move forward.

Posted by divagoddess1ny at 5:11 PM EDT
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Can You Speak to Dead Relatives?
Topic: Psychic

 They say that the life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living. Still many of us see "messages from dead relatives" in the little coincidences we see in life from time to time. It could be that we see someone who looks like the deceased or we hear the person’s favorite song. We may be recalling something favored by the dead relative and then miraculously this food, television, or song might manifest in our lives. Some people even experience objects moving, music boxes playing, and will hear voices. Some even have an apparition of the loved one – in a mirror or even just sitting across the room smiling and talking to them!

In order to get a message from a loved one who has passed away, you might want to try speaking to him or her. You have many options when choosing a method to speak with dead relatives. Find a form of communication that is comfortable when talking the deceased. You can speak with your loved ones through your dreams, thoughts, or with the help of psychics. Remember to keep an open mind and heart. Even if you do not receive confirmation your dead relatives heard you, you will be comforted knowing that you at least tried to communicate with them.

One of the simplest and fasted ways of communicating is by having a conversation in your head with your dead relative. Talk to him as if he were alive. Talk to him about anything, such as memories, events from your daily life, or problems you may be having.

Reconnect with dead relatives by writing them a letter or having a conversation using a journal. Address the letter or journal entry with your dead relative's name and begin jotting down thoughts and questions.

Be sure to leave a notepad and pen by your nightstand before going to bed. You can even buy an official dream journal. If you dream of a dead relative, you can write about what you saw in the dream so you will not forget it. The more you write down your dreams, the easier it is to remember them.

Remove all distractions when speaking with dead relatives, including televisions, phones, radios and noisy clocks, or air conditioners. Loosen clothing and relax by taking deep breaths. Surround yourself with photos and mementos of your loved one. Clear your mind and think only of the deceased relative you want to contact.

You can also try the technique of mirror gazing. Seated comfortably, relax, and gaze into the clear depth of the mirror without trying to focus on anything in particular. Unfocus your eyes as if you are looking into the distance and listen and watch. This attempt to contact the dead is known as the psychomanitum technique and is a form of scrying.

There are many different signs that a loved one may be trying to contact you from the grave. Flickering lights, flickering candle light, or a distraction that you cannot help but focus on...all of these are omens that you are making contact. However, whatever contact you do make will be very specific to you.





Posted by divagoddess1ny at 3:43 PM EDT
Monday, July 12, 2010
How To Read Tea Leaves
Topic: Psychic

 Reading tea leaves is also known as “tasseography” or “tasseomancy”.  It is an ancient Chinese practice that spread to Europe with nomadic gypsies in the mid-1800s.

Any reader in a psychic parlor will tell you that the key to a successful tea reading is to make the tea correctly. First of all, you need to make tea with loose tea that is any flavor. This means not using a tea bag. Teas that are made of fine-grained dust work best.

The teacup you use is also very important. Make sure it is white or a very light pastel color and that it has a wide brim. You also need a wide saucer and a teaspoon.
To initiate the reading, boil the water and pour it into a teapot. Have the person who is to perform the reading toss the leaves into the teapot. Brew the tea without using a strainer. Pour the cups of tea and let it cool to room temperature.

Have the person to be read concentrate on a specific question while sipping the tea.  Tell the person drinking the tea to leave a tiny bit of liquid at the bottom of the cup.  Take the cup from your subject and, using your left hand, swirl it around clockwise three times. Then cover the top of the cup with your right hand making sure to swirl the leaves up the side of the cup.

Once you have done this, it is time to look into the cup and make your predictions!

Examining the patterns in the bottom of a tea cup is a truly intuitive art but here are some ideas of what various symbols and patterns mean.

Acorn: financial success

Angel:  good news

Ants: an unpleasant trial or challenge

Apple: money is coming

Arrow: bad news in love

Axe: danger to you or a friend

Bell: good news

Bear: bad luck

Boat: a visit from a friend

Bull: arguing with friends

Butterfly: unexpected happiness

Candle:  luck in the future

Cross: a sacrifice will be made

Daisy: A new love

Dog: a good friend

Eggs:  assured success

Eye: caution

Face: a new friend

Flag: impending danger

Foot:  walking away from the past

Fountain:  great happiness

Fruit: hopes

Grapes: happiness

Hand: help is coming from a friend

Hat: promotion on the job

Jar: pregnancy

Kettle: a sign of peace in the home
Kite: wishes that will come true

Ladder: success in business
Leaf: a new life

Lock: obstacles will stop you

Mushroom:  a disturbance

Necklace: you will have many admirers

Oyster: an impending marriage

Pig: greed

Question mark: uncertain future or questionable morals

Rabbit: bravery or an impending pregnancy

Rat: a dishonest person

Ring: an upcoming marriage

Rose: popularity

Shoe: success in business or travel

Snake: an enemy is near

Shark: bankruptcy

Spider: reward for work

Sword: future arguments

Teapot: good times

Turtle; criticism from others

Umbrella: protection

Vase: a secret admirer

Wagon: hard times ahead

Waterfall: abundance

Witch: a strange occurrence

Wolf: jealousy

In general, triangles bring good fortune, squares the need for caution, and circles bring great success. Letters that are formed can be the initials of friends and numbers can reflect an age or a span of time!

Posted by divagoddess1ny at 12:26 PM EDT
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
What is ClairSentience?
Mood:  not sure
Topic: Psychic

 Clairsentience (or, translated literally, “clear feeling”) is the ability to pick up energy signals through the sense of touch. The ability is best known to be demonstrable by the touching of a person or objects connected to the person, followed by the transmission of energies directly to the clairsentient being. The ability is often of great help to clairvoyants in developing a sharper assessment of their clients’ moods, and like all forms of clairvoyance, the ability is believed to be present to some degree in all of us.

Clairsentience is psychically related to clairaudience, in which energy signals are transmitted directly to the mind without the necessity of touch; clairalience, in which messages are transmitted or anticipated through the olfactory senses (know to be widely common among clairvoyants); claircognizance, which involves the sudden reality of knowledge without tangible outside inculcation of any sort (this ability was thematically involved in the plot of the Hollywood film The Matrix), and clairgustance, another sharp form of extra-sensory perception in which the subject can either experience the full effects of taste without actually engaging in the act of tasting, or experience an “energy-trigger” activiated by the act of tasting, not unlike the transmission involved in clairsentience.


Clairsentience has also been called psychometry. A fascination with forms of psychometry led horror writer Stephen King to publish the popular novella The Dead Zone, which was later filmed twice for movies and television. The story involved a character that awakens from a coma with an acute clairsentient ability; however, for the purposes of fiction the symptoms of the ability can be said to indicate a sort of super-clairvoyance, as the character would experience entire stories played out in moving images in his head. The clairsentient experience is usually reported to include a reflection of the target individual’s feelings in the subject, like a feeling of illness in response to anxieties or fears, a feeling of airy lightness in response to a peaceful easy feeling, and so forth. Those with clairsentience do not often report a motion-capture form of instant-replay in their heads, but the possibility is always open to those who can manage their clairvoyant gifts to the maximum potential.

So it’s very possible that in the journey into adulthood we may fail to acknowledge or search for psychic abilities that may be within our systems. If it’s true that we all have a degree of clairsentience, we must proceed from a sense of innocence present in childhood, which must include a deep calm and focus on our inner lives.


Posted by divagoddess1ny at 9:59 AM EDT
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Archangel Michael – The Special Protector Angel
Mood:  lucky
Topic: Angelic Assistance


 If you are in need of protection, then it is the Archangel Michael that you need pray to.

He can give you the courage to go when you feel that you can’t which is an issue for many in these hard economic times.

Part of feeling safe in life is knowing that we only make decisions that are truly in our own best interests. Michael is the angel to turn to when you feel pushed around by others, emotionally terrorized, or somehow invaded by another person’s presence. Michael can help you regain control of your life and how you feel about these people.

Michael can also help you banish your inner critic and free yourself from fear of the future. This angel strengthens your faith in your self, especially when it comes to helping you handle whatever obstacle fate throws your way. He also rules repentance, righteousness, mercy and sanctification.



Externally, Archangel Michael is thought to protect individuals from all physical and spiritual aggression, including accidents, diseases, crime, and astral attacks. He is the angel to pray to if you feel you are being treated unfairly at work, have made a huge mistake and need to have it fixed or feel that you are the victim of another person’s addiction, mental illness, or injustice.

In Jewish, Christian, and Islamic writings, the Archangel Michael ranks as one the greatest of all angels. In Christian imagery, he is often depicted as winged, with an unsheathed sword. This is the sword of righteousness that slays dragons both inner and outer dragons and demons.

Archangel Michael is often associated with a steely blue or laser blue light. In cases of emergency, just imagining surrounding yourself in a bubble of this blue light is thought to offer protection. Michael is also explosive in his actions and is thought to be related to thunder and especially lightening. When you get news that seems like “a bolt from the blue,” often Michael is behind it.


Michael also likes mirrors. He is also the angel who reflects your own actions back to you. His miracles tend to occur swiftly and suddenly. He is also known for his sense of humor and is related to the phrase “humor destroys all karma.”

The next time you do something wrong and it comes right back to you, the Archangel Michael is probably behind it.

Michael is also thought to like heights. People are thought to be most connected to him when they are standing at the peak of a mountain, the top of a skyscraper, or in an airplane.

Posted by divagoddess1ny at 6:25 PM EDT
Monday, May 10, 2010
How To Develop Clairaudience
Mood:  lyrical
Topic: Psychic

 Clairaudience is the reception of signals directly into the mind, as if delivered by a spoken word or sound, but occurring silently from the outside as the recipient “hears” and processes the information. Many psychics possess clairaudience along with clairvoyance and many learn how to develop clairaudience as an extra weapon for their “psychic toolkit.” Getting better control of this gift can enable the psychic to receive clear messages from spirit guides, souls that have passed over, and other forces without recourse to visual manifestation or transference.

We also know of the myth of psychic ability restricted to only the chosen few. Humans are thought to possess at least some level of this psychic ability. Much is made of athletes’ heightened senses: of “reaction time” for goaltenders in soccer, the ability to “anticipate” where the ball travels in basketball, or the “adjustment” factor as a batter awaits a pitch. If these are legitimate mental instincts honed to a fine point from years of practice and on-field experience, then what can we do to take advantage of the oft-tiny measures of psychic ability we are said to possess?

Want to know how to develop clairaudience? Luckily, we are already in possession of a barometer that, if we wish it, can measure levels of clairaudience development and help us understand better when we are experiencing, or about to experience, a clairauditory event. This is our intuition. Used correctly and carefully, it can give us the best idea of our psychic abilities.

Intuition can be trained and managed so that you can even measure the different frequencies of your clairaudience development. It is the best vehicle we have for seeing into the future and understanding decisions made in everyday situations. The most highly intuitive people in the world are said to be chess grandmasters, who manage to remain neck and neck with computer technology almost solely due to the human ability to intuit, an ability computers are unable to replicate. Grandmasters have often reported the sudden reception of chess patterns in their head in a way strikingly similar to a clairaudience event; moreover, a handful of those at the top level are experts at blindfold chess, relying upon their intuition to replace the board in front of them.

But we’re not all grandmasters, so how can we work on our intuition so that know how to develop clairaudience? It’s not that impossible, and the key may very well be your own confidence. Remember, the people who claim to be possessed of absolutely no psychic ability are most often the same people who claim it doesn’t exist in the first place. An open mind is the necessary first step on a long journey to self-confidence in your intuitive ability.
If you are able to invest faith in your ability to receive and understand signals of all sorts, you may notice not only a greater ability to tune in to that “little voice” people often acknowledge hearing when facing a conscientious decision, but you may also find out more about yourself than you expected.



Posted by divagoddess1ny at 1:10 PM EDT
Friday, April 16, 2010
Angels of Protection
Mood:  lazy
Topic: Angelic Assistance

Angels of Protection

 Sometimes you need to call on an angel for protection. To access the energies of one, all you need do is call the angel’s name in a sincere and earnest way and ask for help. Here is a concise look at the angels that are often called upon or prayed to for protection.

Adriel – This is an angel of death that can help you die a more peaceful death. This angel can help protect you during the dying process, and can assist those who are experiencing this rite of passage in their family.

Ariel – This is an angel of healing, wrath, and creation that offers people protection from disease and the evil eye. This angel also helps transcend feelings of severe pain.

Cassiel – This protective angel can help you deal with direct or dangerous situations by keeping a protective eye on you. He is the hand that can catch your fall.

Dumah – Dumah is an angel of death with the ironic function of protecting you from and unjust death. In the event that your death is a murder, this vindictive angel will make sure that justice is done to the perpetrators.

Gabriel – This important all-purpose archangel protects you from all evil and failures due to neglect or accident. He also bestows wisdom when a quick decision is necessary.
Haniel – This angel of joy and love helps ease your path and protects you from envy and jealousy.

Isreul – This angel protects women from accidents during pregnancy.

Jhudiel – This angel protects your business from theft and makes sure that your affairs are conducted in an ethical way that never invites trouble into your life.

Jehoel – This angel dissuades the angel of death from entering your door.

Jophiel – This angel can help protect you from bad habits and temptations that could ruin your life. He keeps you disciplined and on track in life.

Saint Michael – This is the ultimate angel of protection that can help protect you and your family from any type of danger at all – from personal attacks to car accidents to illness. When you find yourself caught in a difficult, threatening situation, all you have to do is call Michael’s name out loud and he will protect you.

Nuriel – This heavenly being protects against explosions, accidents, and fire.

Ophan  - These are a group of angels that watch over you while you sleep.

Raguel – This powerful archangel protects you from unjust satiations and makes sure that all in our life transpires in a way that is truly fair to you.

Raphael – This powerful healing entity can protect you from disease and misfortune as well as the resentment and jealousy of others.

Uriel – This powerful archangel can help you avoid negative individuals and banish the negative thinking that can become a self fulfilling prophecy. Uriel can also help protect you from the bitterness and jealousy of others.

Zadkiel – This angel of love stands for freedom, happiness, and mercy and can be of value if you feel unfairly picked on by others.


Posted by divagoddess1ny at 10:15 AM EDT

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